Helen Jean "Jeanie" Sugg
Lewis & Gillum Funeral Homes
28 Harding Ave., Jackson, Ohio 45640
(e) lewisgillumfh@gmail.com
(p) 740-286-2010
(w) www.lewisgillum.com

Helen Jean Sugg died peacefully at Jenkins Care Community on July 16, 2020 at the age of 89. Though the facility was on lockdown due to Coronavirus, she was surrounded by people who cared about her. She was born March 12, 1931 in Bowling Green to the late Henry Maury and Helen (Mansfield) Cowles.
She is survived by her only child, Nan (Ken) Miller of Jackson, Ohio; her cousins, Billy Mansfield and Anne Greenwell, of Louisville, KY; and her nine nieces and nephews who lovingly called her “Aunt Jeanie.”
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Harbard “Bud” Sugg, Jr.; his 3 sisters, Jane (Dan) Alston, Nancy (David) Dodd, and Dorothy (James) Snyder; their parents, Harbard and Octavia (Stroud) Sugg.
Jeanie was a gentle soul with a quiet, reserved demeanor that hid her wicked sense of humor and fun-loving spirit. She was kind and deeply loyal, quietly persistent, and steadfast. She stood by her husband through his 12-year struggle with Alzheimer’s Disease. She developed dementia herself, but her humor and spark still shined through. She gave her best through the good times and challenges that came her way.
A private memorial will be held at a later date. Contributions made in her memory to the Alzheimer’s Association are appreciated in lieu of flowers. Arrangements are under the direction of the Lewis & Gillum Funeral Home of Jackson. Cards and condolences may be directed to the family through the funeral home. Online condolences may be sent to www.lewisgillum.com.