Carl Edward Barnhart
Lewis & Gillum Funeral Homes
28 Harding Avenue, Jackson, OH 45640
(p) 740-286-2010 (f) 740-286-5640

Carl Edward Barnhart, loving husband, all-around wonderful person passed away Monday August 29th, 2022, at the age of 75.
Carl enjoyed hunting and fishing, taking care of his home, and his dog, Brutus. Most of all he loved his wife of 32 years, Robin as well as his children, Brittany and Jerimiah.
He will forever be remembered by his granddaughters, Emma Rose and Ella Louise along with his son-in-law, Adam Blazer and close friends, James (Heather) Goody, Mark McCown and many, many more.
Carl excelled at fixing anything and everything in a non-OSHA approved fashion. He loved flipping between B-rated Sci-Fi movies and Gunsmoke. Carl never missed a phone call, so you knew who to call when in trouble.
Carl took fashion cues from no one. His signature everyday look was all his, a wolf t-shirt surely to have a hole somewhere, thrifted stained jeans, black suspenders, and the best $10 velcro shoes Walmart could offer because he hated laces.
Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Lewis & Gillum Funeral Home. Per his wishes, no public services will be held.
In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made directly to the funeral home to help with funeral expenses. Online condolences may be sent to
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