Estle Kermit “Boss” McCain
Lewis & Gillum Funeral Home
202 Maple Ave. Oak Hill, Ohio 45656

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Estle Kermit (Boss) McCain, age 93, of Oak Hill, Ohio, son of Andrew Fred and Nora (Humphrey) McCain passed away, Monday, January 6, 2020. He was born April 3, 1926 in Oak Hill, Ohio and was one of fourteen children. Boss was a World War II veteran serving in the 11th Airborne. He received a Bronze Star for serving in the Philippines.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his siblings, Albert McCain, Celia Nance, Neva Kisor, Beulah Morgan, Wilma Thomas, Melvin McCain, Lenzy McCain, Forrest McCain, Lawrence McCain, Jessie Boggs and Fred McCain.
He is survived by Jeanene his loving wife of 69 years; siblings, Virgie Smittle and Marvin McCain (Kay); children; Terry McCain (Sharon), Vicky Retterer (Kent), and Cheryl Elcess (Joe); grandchildren: Zachary McCain (Leslie), Ally Conley, Andy Elcess (Kara) and Drew McCain (Meghan); and great-grandchildren: Carver Conley, Sawyer McCain, Addy Conley, Lila McCain, Hank Elcess, Jaxon McCain, Landon McCain, Reid Elcess, Eli McCain, Logan McCain, and Sam Elcess.
Friends may call Thursday, January 9, 2020 from 4-8 pm at the Lewis and Gillum Funeral Home of Oak Hill. Funeral services will be held on Friday, January 10, 2020 at 11:00 am at the Lewis and Gillum Funeral Home. Burial will follow at Horeb Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to: SOMC Hospice, 2201 25th St., Portsmouth, OH 45662 or Horeb Cemetery Association, 409 Franklin Valley Rd., Oak Hill, OH 45656.
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