What to gather before the Arrangements
Things to do before arrangement meeting with funeral director
The time between losing a loved one and the arranging of services can be, and often is a very difficult and confusing time. During this time there are several things you can do to better prepare for the arrangement process. Things that you will be asked to provide during or after the arrangements you can already have ready. Here’s a brief list.
Necessary Items
-Clothing for burial or cremation
-Obituary Information. We will gladly write the obituary for you, however, it’s very helpful if we have a list of the surviving family members, those who have already passed away and also any special information you would like to have included in the obituary. For example, church membership, occupation, graduation year and what they enjoyed doing.
-Death Certificate Information such as, date of birth, social security number, place of birth, longest held occupation, marital status, deceased’s mother’s name (include maiden name), father’s name, highest education level attained, informant’s name and address and place of burial.
-Life Insurance documentation
-Burial space information and specific instructions
-Who will speak at service
Optional Items
-DVD slideshow pictures (if a DVD is requested, usually about 60 pictures)
-3 songs for DVD
-Picture for Obituary
-Portrait picture
-Choice of songs to be played during the service.